ph. Patryk Straszak

Submit your movie for the 14th American Film Festival!

Saturday at the Festival: 44 screenings and 12 meetings

The 14th American Film Festival in Wroclaw, to be held in 2023 from November 7th till the 12th is calling for feature films produced in the United States.

For the last 13 years the AFF has presented the best new independent film from the US at the incredible and newly redone 9-screen Nowe Horyzonty Cinema theatre in a charming vibrant multicultural city of Wroclaw. We would very much like to consider your latest movie for our upcoming edition. It is completely free of charge. 

To submit, check the Terms and Conditions and fill in a form. Submissions will be open till July 1st. 

Submisson form

The AFF shows American classics, features retrospectives of living heroes of contemporary American cinema and presents the best selection of the new pictures made in the US as Polish premieres, in Highlights and Festival Favorites sections and two competitive sections: Spectrum for Narrative Features and American Docs for documentaries. (Short film call will be announced later). 

Last year’s competition winners, Acidman director Alex Lehmann and Amy and Bryan Storkel (for The Pez Outlaw) enjoyed their $10 and 5 thousand cash awards, respectively (above pictured producer of Acidman, Liz Cardenas recently Independent Spirit Award nominee).


We are also proud to announce our director, Ula Sniegowska is attending SXSW Festival in Austin, where – in addition to scouting for films for the AFF – she is going to have a mentorship session on intricacies of programming a festival devoted to American film in Europe. 

More info

Later in March, Ula will serve on a jury at Cleveland International Film Festival. 

We hope you want to be part of that unique event celebrating American talent and film in Poland!

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