
Festival etiquette

You sit down comfortably in your seat, the lights go out and the magic on screen begins. Everything would be wonderful, if not... Exactly, there are a few things that can prevent you from enjoying all the states of cinema (and a few that will make it easier to reap the harvest of good cinema during AFF). We prepared a short guide to festival dos and don’ts, thanks to which the American Film Festival (AFF) will provide an Oscar-winning experience.

1. Punctuality

The film festival is a complex machinery and any delay creates an unpleasant domino effect. So please arrive at the screening rooms at least ten minutes before the start of the film – everyone will have time to take their seats, and our team will be able to start the show on time. We remind you that latecomers will not be admitted to the screening room. Speaking of latecomers: we know that sometimes your loved ones come at the last minute, so naturally, please reserve a place for them next to you. However, we ask you not to follow this year's visual theme – occupying endless fields, i.e., entire rows. This is not fair to those viewers who came earlier to reserve seats for themselves.

2. Canceling a reservation

"Life is made up of accidents, with a tendency to falling" as goes the old Polish saying. Our booking system provides for the possibility of emergencies and unpredictable events – if you have a pass or accreditation, you can cancel your seat reservation up to 15 minutes before the film starts. You won’t lose points, and at the same time you will make someone’s day - someone, who has been dying to see that film.

3. Light? Only from the projector

Our cinema projectors do not like competition and get nervous when they have to fight for attention with smartphones and smartwatches. Remember not to upset them and not emit light from your phone after the show starts.

4. Drinks and food

Remember to satisfy your (non-film related) hunger before the screening. Our cinema bistro offers a wide range of small and large plates. We also suggest checking out the list of recommended places. It’s forbidden to eat meals or snacks in the screening rooms. Drinks are allowed, but please keep them in closed cups or bottles.

5. Let's meet

The film creators are here for you – they’ll be happy to hear opinions about their work, exchange ideas, take part in polemics. We encourage you to stay for Q&As after festival screenings – it’s where you’ll have the world of cinema at your fingertips.

6. Love, peace, kindness

Throughout the festival, our staff and volunteers will make sure you have a good film experience, answer any questions and dispel any doubts. We know, first hand, that reciprocated love has the greatest power. That’s why we kindly ask that you follow the instructions and recommendations of our festival team. The ultimate goal is our collective comfort.

American Film Festival (AFF) starts on Tuesday, November 7th. The program of the event includes 126 titles – Hollywood novelties, as well as avant-garde gems. This year’s AFF will be held in a hybrid model again. From November 7-12 we invite you to on-site screenings at the New Horizons Cinema in Wrocław, and you’ll have a chance for online screenings until November 19, via the New Horizons VOD platform.

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