Three right-wing activists involved in Trump's election campaign chart their course from local activism to the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. This insightful documentary avoids simplifying or stereotyping, offering a nuanced look at hard-core Trump supporters while underscoring the fragility of the current political climate in the U.S. and looming threat of national conflict.
Venice IFF 2024 - Mario Serandrei - Hotel Saturnia & International Award for the Best Technical Contribution
Michael Premo is a filmmaker, visual artist, journalist and activist. In addition to making documentaries, he worked, among others, for theater and radio, made artistic installations and produced photography exhibitions. Premo was part of the Occupy Wall Street movement, was involved in relief activities after Hurricane Sandy (he received an award at the Tribeca Festival for his documentary Sandy Storyline, made with Rachel Falcone and Laura Gottesdiener). Premo is a laureate of the Creative Capital Award in the field of visual arts, as well as an NBC News Studios Original Voices grant for beginning documentary filmmakers.
2011 More Than a Roof (short doc.)
2013 Sandy Storyline (co-dir., doc.)
2017 Water Warriors (short doc.)
2024 Swojacy / Homegrown (doc.)