

Errol Morris, USA 2024, 93’
Preconceived War Game

A documentary from the Academy Awarded filmmaker that exposes the Trump administration's efforts to target immigrant children illegally crossing the Mexican border. Based on testimonies from government workers, Separated highlights a system void of compassion and values, focused solely on power and control.

‘Separated’ Review: Errol Morris Draws a Thin, Clear Line Through a Trump-Era Conspiracy to Deter Refugees

Jakub Demiańczuk

Errol Morris

Errol Morris is one of the foremost contemporary American documentary filmmakers. He won an Oscar for The Fog of War and has received dozens of other awards. Morris first gained widespread recognition for The Thin Blue Line, a film that argued against the wrongful conviction of Randall Adams for the murder of a police officer. Morris documentaries combine expert interviews with archival materials as well as dramatic reenactments, which are often considered one of his many contributions to modern documentary cinema. His films frequently explore social and political themes. As a producer, Morris contributed to Joshua Oppenheimer’s The Act of Killing and The Look of Silence.


1978 Bramy niebios / Gates of Heaven (doc.)

1981 Vernon, Florida (doc.)

1988 Cienka niebieska linia / The Thin Blue Line (doc.)

1991 Mroczny wicher / The Dark Wind

1991 Krótka historia czasu / A Brief History of Time (doc.)

1997 Szybcy, tani i poza kontrolą / Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (doc.)

1999 Pan Śmierć / Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (doc.)

2003 Mgły wojny: Jedenaście lekcji z życia Roberta S. McNamary / The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara (doc.)

2008 Zwykła procedura operacyjna / Standard Operating Procedure (doc.)

2010 Tabloid (doc.)

2013 Wiedzieć, czego się nie wie / The Unknown Known (doc.)

2016 The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography (doc.)

2017 Wormwood (TV series)

2018 American Dharma (doc.)

2020 Kapłan LSD, miłość i ja / My Psychedelic Love Story (doc.)

2023 Tunel z gołębiami / The Pigeon Tunnel (doc.)

2023 Tune Out the Noise (doc.)

2024 Rozdzieleni / Separated (doc.)

Cast & Crew

director Errol Morris
screenplay Jacob Soboroff (książka/book)
cinematography Igor Martinovic
editing Steven Hathaway
music Paul Leonard-Morgan
cast Gabriela Cartol, Diego Armando
producer Robert Fernandez, Steven Hathaway, Molly O’Brien
production Fourth Floor Productions, NBC News Studios, Participant, Submarine Entertainment
sales The Film Collaborative
language English
coloration colour
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