
Saint Frances

Alex Thompson, USA 2019, 100’
The Hate U Give The Surrogate

Bridget spends the night with a guy she met at a party, only to discover the next morning that she had started her period while they were having sex—there are traces of blood not only on the sheets but also on their faces. Embarrassed but not shocked, the casual lovers get down to the business of cleaning up the mess. The first few minutes herald the tone of the entire picture: Alex Thompson’s film features a combination of sincerity and levity that often produces a provocative effect. A somewhat confused thirtysomething named Bridget finds out that she’s pregnant and decides to have an abortion; she’s also starting work as a caretaker for little Frances, the determined daughter of a lesbian couple. This is not in the least a story about trauma, maternal instinct, or delayed puberty. Instead, we see a series of predominantly humorous scenes from the disordered life of a young woman on the border between Gen X and Gen Y. Thompson’s film won audience awards at the SXSW and LA Outfest festivals and a critics award at the Champs-Élysées Film Festival in Paris.

Piotr Mirski (katalog 10. AFF)


  • Champs-Élysées FF 2019 - Critics Award
  • FF SXSW 2019 - Audience Award, Jury Special Prize
  • AFF 2019 - Audience Award

Alex Thompson

Alex Thompson, also based in Chicago, is a director, screenwriter, and producer. He studied at DePauw University in Indiana and has directed a number of short films. His feature films Saint Frances (2019) and Rounding (2022) have previously screened at the AFF, with Saint Frances winning the Audience Award in the Spectrum competition. His latest project, Ghostlight (2024), co-directed with Kelly O’Sullivan, premiered at the Sundance Festival.

Selected filmography

2002 The Harder They Fall (short)

2015 Irene & Marie (short)

2018 Big Bad Wolf (short)

2019 Święta Frances / Saint Frances

2022 Obchód / Rounding

2024 Światełko w tunelu / Ghostlight

Cast & Crew

director Alex Thompson
screenplay Kelly O’Sullivan
cinematography Nate Hurtsellers
editing Alex Thompson
music Quinn Tsan, Alex Babbitt
cast Kelly O’Sullivan, Ramona Edith-Williams, Max Lipchitz, Charin Alvarez, Lily Mojekwu
producer Pierce Cravens, Ian Keiser, Eddie Linker, Alex Thompson, James Choi, Raphael Nash, Roger Welp
production Runaway Train
sales Visit Films
language English
coloration colour
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