In this classic musical fantasy, Judy Garland stars as Dorothy Gale, a young Kansas farm girl who dreams of a land ”somewhere over the rainbow.” Dorothy’s dream comes true when she, her dog, Toto, and her family’s house are transported by a tornado to a bright and magical world unlike anything she has seen before.
Academy Awards 1940 - Best Music, Original Song, Best Original Score
He started his career in Hollywood as a stuntman in 1910, later he decided to stand on the other side of camera and he worked on many movies with famous Douglas Fairbanks. In 1929 he directed his first big hit Virginian. In 30s he was one of the most popular directors in Hollywood. His most famous movies are box office hits: the melodrama of all time Gone with the Wind (an Oscar for Best Directing) and The Wizard of Oz.
1929 The Virginian
1933 Wybuchowa blondynka / Bombshell
1934 Wyspa skarbów / Treasure Island
1935 Dla ciebie tańczę / Reckless
1939 Czarnoksiężnik z Oz / The Wizard of Oz
1939 Przeminęło z wiatrem / Gone with the Wind
1948 Joanna d'Arc / Joan of Arc