Index Screening schedule

Zuzanna Wrońska X Maja Laura live music

VR Experience: JFK Memento

The only concert featuring music and songs composed specifically for Dorothy Arzner’s film Get
Your Man.

The music for  Get Your Man was composed by Zuzanna Wrońska, songwriter, composer, and co-founder of the band Ballady i Romanse, and Maja Laura, vocalist and composer. Both are award-winning film score composers. The artists were not only inspired by Dorothy Arzner’s humor, courage, and her slightly ironic through empathetic distance towards her characters, but also found personal themes within the on-screen story. Infused with a touch of nostalgia yet thoroughly contemporary, the musical sensibility of Zuzanna Wrońska and Maja Laura reveals emotions and dilemmas in this century-old film that feel strikingly relevant today.

photo credit: Aga Bilska

7.11, 8 PM KNH9

Get Your Man – live music

admission: 35 zł

When, where
Tickets sale starts on October 23, noon.
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