Index Screening schedule

Immersja Film Club discussion following "Oh, Canada!" screening

DKF Portalu Immersja po seansie „O, Kanado!”
subtitles: Polish and English
Election Night Studio Lora Webb Nichols. I Wish I Was a Yellow Dog Exhibition

Is this Paul Schrader's last film? It’s certainly his most personal. The biographical story of the famous documentary filmmaker Leonard Fife serves as a lens through which Schrader looks at his past achievements

In collaboration with the Immersja website team, we invite you to a the discussion following Thursday's (November 7) screening at 4:00 pm. Oh, Canada! will serve as a starting point for a conversation not only about the work itself, but also about the director's rich and diverse oeuvre.

The meeting will be held in Polish.

Tickets sale starts on October 23, noon.
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