The second English-language film by Małgorzata Szumowska is based on the true-life story of Pam Bales (Naomi Watts), who embarks on a lonely hike in the mountains. Weather forecasts, however, are not very optimistic. This is true survival cinema beautifully shot by Michał Englert.
Fortunately, there is nothing gratuitous about the physicality demanded of Watts by “Infinite Storm,” which is based on a real-life incident that took place in New Hampshire’s White Mountains a dozen years ago. Visually splendid, Polish director Malgorzata Szumowska’s second English-language feature (following 2019’s “The Other Lamb”) is an impressive outdoor adventure ideally suited to the more athletic side of its star’s skill set, even if it’s not quite so rewarding in terms of emotional involvement—we feel more exasperation than inspiration at watching our heroine struggle to rescue an uncooperative manbaby from the peril he’s put himself (and her) in.
‘Infinite Storm’ Review: Naomi Watts Combats Wild Nature Again (
Małgorzata Szumowska is one of the best-known and most-awarded Polish directors. She was born in Krakow, studied in Lodz and debuted with the film Happy Man. Many of her films have screened at international film festivals, including Berlin, Locarno, Venice and Toronto, winning numerous awards, including the Silver Bear for Body and Mug, and the European Film People’s Choice Award for Body. She was also co-producer of the film Antichrist by Lars von Trier.
2000 Szczęśliwy człowiek / Happy Man
2004 Ono / Stranger
2008 33 sceny z życia / 33 Scenes from Life
2011 Sponsoring
2015 Body/Ciało / Body
2019 Córka boga / The Other Lamb
2022 Infinite Storm
Michał Englert is a filmmaker, screenwriter, director. A Warsaw native, he graduated from the Cinematography Department of the Lodz Film School. He shot films for Małgorzata Szumowska and Jacek Borcuch, as well as HBO’s Blinded by the Lights. He received five nominations for the Golden Frog at the Camerimage festival and won the Best Cinematography Award at the Sundance Film Festival Award for Lasting.
2020 Śniegu już nigdy nie będzie / Never Gonna Snow Again
2022 Infinite Storm