Sav Rodgers follows in the footsteps of his teen-age enchantment, Kevin Smith’s Chasing Amy. He takes the 1990s independent cinema historical perspective and reminisces on the reluctance of lesbian audiences toward the film, endeavoring to find what the film currently means to an adult transgender filmmaker.
‘Chasing Chasing Amy’ Review: A Nuanced Ode to a Problematic Queer Fave (IndieWire)
Sav Rodgers was born and raised in a suburb of Kansas City, where he began to establish relationships with the local film community as a student at the local state university. Most of his short films are devoted to the queer community. His 2018 TED Talk examines his love for the film Chasing Amy. The clip went viral and sparked interest from Kevin Smith; Chasing Chasing Amy is the story of this fascination and the meetings that followed.
2015 Politically Correct (short)
2016 Sketches (short)
2016 Caleb Stephens: Black Lives Matter Activist (short)
2018 Dragtivists (short)
2019 Queen for a Day (short)
2023 W pogoni za „W pogoni za Amy” / Chasing Chasing Amy