A raw, suspenseful story about a few days in the life of Autumn, a teen from the Pennsylvania countryside who gets pregnant. The girl will have to make her way through a maze of soulless pro- cedures and face callous patriarchal surroundings.
Eliza Hittman (b. 1979) is an American screenwriter, film director, and producer from New York City. She graduated from Indiana University in with a BA in theater and drama, and in 2010 received her MFA from the School of Film/Video at California Institute of the Arts. Her feature-length debut It Felt Like Love (2013) premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, while for her sophomore film, Beach Rats, in 2017 Hittman won the Directing Award: Dramatic, also at Sundance.
2008 A Lumiere (short)
2009 Trickster (short)
2010 Second Cousins Once Removed (short)
2011 Forever's Gonna Start Tonight (short)
2013 It Felt Like Love
2017 Beach Rats
2020 Nigdy, rzadko, czasami, zawsze / Never Rarely Sometimes Always