During the Civil War, a group of Union soldiers embarks on a reconnaissance and border patrol mission through the western badlands. As they traverse the landscape, the Yankees grapple with the purpose behind their actions. The Damned earned Roberto Minervini the Best Director award in the Un Certain Regard section at Cannes.
Cannes IFF 2024 - Best Director (Un Certain Regard)
Roberto Minervini, born in Italy, is a director, screenwriter, photographer, and music producer who has lived and worked in the U.S. since 2000. He holds multiple degrees, including one in media studies from The New School in New York. Known for his powerful documentaries on the American South, ranging from Texas to Louisiana, The Damned (2024), his first fully fictional film, premiered at Cannes, where he was recognized with the Best Director award in the Un Certain Regard section.
2011 The Passage
2012 Low Tide
2013 Wstrzymaj bicie serca / Stop the Pounding Heart
2015 Po drugiej stronie / The Other Side
2018 Co zrobisz, gdy świat stanie w ogniu? / What You Gonna Do When the World’s on Fire?
2024 Przeklęci / The Damned