
Boys Go to Jupiter

Julian Glander, USA 2024, 88’
Christmas Eve in Miller's Point

A visually daring, anti-capitalist animation about aliens escaping from an orange juice factory that serves as a front for a secret space mission. The characters' voices are provided by stars from the American off-screen comedy scene, blending absurdity with charming quirks. Get on board for a delightfully surreal ride!

'Boys Go to Jupiter' review: An animated gem about oranges, aliens, and the gig economy

Magdalena Maksimiuk

Julian Glander

Julian Glander is a highly original 3D artist and animator, known for his playful and distinctive style. He creates animated GIFs, comics, and interactive toys. Based in Pittsburgh, Glander has collaborated on projects for Adult Swim, Disney, and Max, with his works regularly appearing in The New Yorker and The New York Times. His film debut, Boys Go to Jupiter, premiered at the Tribeca Festival. In a short biography for The One Club, Glander humorously notes that he "started as a child" and "plans to become a ghost in the future."


2018 Skybaby (short)

2021 Summer Camp Island / Obóz na wyspie (TV series)

2022 Tennis Ball on His Day Off (short)

2024 Kosmiczna misja Billy'ego 5000 / Boys Go to Jupiter 

Cast & Crew

director Julian Glander
screenplay Julian Glander
music Julian Glander
sound Olivia Lewis
cast Jack Corbett, Grace Kuhlenschmidt, Elsie Fisher, Tavi Gevinson, Julio Torres
producer Julian Glander, Peisin Yang Lazo
sales Julian Glander
language English
coloration colour
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