Produced by A24 and directed by Larry Charles (Borat), the leading iconoclast of American cinema, this musical extravaganza is a bizarre and daring curiosity bound to captivate fans of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Expect a surreal cast of characters: a sentient vagina, a queer gossip god who defies relationship conventions, and a father infatuated with sewer-dwelling mutants.
Toronto IFF 2023 - People’s Choice Award (Midnight Madness)
Larry Charles (b. 1956) is an American comedian, director and screenwriter. He started out as a stand-up comedian and later became a television comedy writer, notably for the popular sitcom Seinfeld. He moved to directing with Curb Your Enthusiasm, and has also directed three films starring the British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen: Borat (2006), Brüno (2009) and The Dictator (2012).
2006 Borat
2008 Wiara czyni czuba / Religulous
2009 Brüno
2012 Dyktator / The Dictator
2016 Misja niewykonalna / Army of One