The End is a unique blend of musical, psychodrama, and allegory set in a post-apocalyptic world, where Tilda Swinton plays the mother of an eccentric family living in a comfortable bunker. However, when a stranger from the surface arrives, ideological confusion disrupts their lives. Joshua Oppenheimer, known for The Act of Killing, once again examines the darker sides of humanity.
Joshua Oppenheimer (b. 1974) is an American director, producer, and academic, currently at the University of Westminster in London. He is best known for The Act of Killing, a formally groundbreaking documentary exploring mass ethnic cleansing in Indonesia. The film won numerous accolades, including the BAFTA, the Ecumenical Jury Award at the Berlinale, and an Oscar nomination. Oppenheimer’s work often delves into the radicalization of attitudes, social responsibility, and humanity's inclination toward violence. He resides in Copenhagen.
1996 These Places We've Learned to Call Home (short)
1998 The Entire History of the Louisiana Purchase
2003 The Globalisation Tapes
2012 Scena zbrodni / The Act of Killing
2014 Scena ciszy / The Look of Silence
2021 The Rifleman (short doc.)
2022 The End