In a new series from Mel Eslyn and Mark Duplass, Penelope follows a sixteen-year-old girl who decides to break away from the modern world, the Internet, and the path laid out for her. Embarking on a journey across the country; rather than fleeing, Penelope is answering a deep-seated call.
Born in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, Eslyn is primarily a producer of projects that bring joy to all admirers of independent American cinema. She worked on Your Sister's Sister, Touchy Feely, Laggies andLynn Shelton’s Outside In, Charlie McDowell's The One I Love, Alex Lehmann's Blue Jay, Natalie Morales' Language Lessons, and, most recently, the wonderful HBO series Somebody Somewhere. Biosphere was the director's feature debut, which premiered at the Toronto Festival.
2013 The Next Step (short)
2019-2020 Room 104 (TV series)
2021 Cinema Toast (TV series)
2023 Pod kopułą / Biosphere