
Reading America – meetings around books

Czytanie Ameryki – spotkania wokół książek
Podkast amerykański: Conversation “Facts or Acts?” Secret Screening

At the New Horizons Cinema (and online) we watch America; at Klub Proza, we read it. Together with Wrocław Literature House and publishers Czarne, Znak, and Agora, we invite you to another installment of discussions around books that resonate with AFF's film program. They reveal lesser-known but wildly interesting and significant aspects of American culture, politics, history, and society. Admission to all meetings is free, subject to space availability.

All meetings will be held in Polish.

The event is sponsored by “Książki. Magazyn do czytania”.

Location: Klub Proza / Literature House Wrocław, Przejście Garncarskie 2

November 6, 7:00 pm

Miasteczko Panna Maria. Ślązacy na Dzikim Zachodzie, Ewa Winnicka (Czarne Publishing House)

meeting with the author led by Waldek Mazur

November 7, 7:30 pm

Uwierz w plan. Skąd wziął się QAnon i jak namieszał w Ameryce, Will Sommer (Czarne Publishing House)

meeting with Piotr Tarczyński will be led by Andrzej Rossa

November 8, 7:00 pm

Na bulwarach czyhają potwory. Filmowa historia Ameryki, Maciej Jarkowiec (Agora Publishing House)

meeting with the author led by Karolina Pasternak

November 9, 7:00 pm

Stany Podzielone Ameryki, Łukasz Pawłowski (Znak)

meeting with the author led by Andrzej Rossa

November 10, 7:00 pm

The New Yorker. Biografia pisma, które zmieniło Amerykę, Michał Choiński (Znak)

the meeting with the author will be led by Sebastian Smoliński

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