This film plays in the rhythm of a lyrical ballad inspired by the prose of John Steinbeck. The main character, Sarah, lives with her father on a farm in a sleepy rural Kentucky town. One day, their world is interrupted by Akin (Joe Swanberg), a seasonal hired hand. The fascination quickly grows between Sarah and Akin, hidden at first, but soon more intense and overt. The thickening feelings and erotic fantasies give birth to something disturbing, leading to unexpected plot twists. The young director’s sophomore effort, which premiered at the 64th Berlin Film Festival, evokes the films of Terrence Malick. Similarly to films by the director of Badlands, nature plays an important character and penetrating observer. It is nature that is often the camera’s POV – in the form of accompanying animals, sky-scratching trees and thick grasses that stoically watch man as he is tempted by his instincts.
Sarasota FF 2014 – Independent Visions Award
Josephine Decker is a director, actress and performer. She was born in 1981 in Texas; after graduating with a degree in Comparative Literature and Creative Writing from Princeton University, she studied literature and political science in Buenos Aires. Upon her return to the USA, she began her directorial adventures with Naked Princeton and by working on the Bi the Way television series. Decker cut her acting teeth on the sets of Joe Swanberg and Stephen Cone as well as with the Pig Iron Theatre Company. Filmmaker Magazine recognized her as one the most important faces of independent cinema.
2005 Naked Princeton (short)
2011 Me the Terrible
2013 Masło na zasuwce / Butter on the Latch
2014 Łagodnie i czule / Thou Wast Mild and Lovely