
Waldo on Weed

Tommy Avallone, USA 2019, 87’
European premiere
The River and the Wall Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Pizza is a lifestyle, proudly declares Brian Dwyer, the owner of a popular Philadelphia pizzeria. But his life is about to change drastically, when his newborn son, Waldo James Mysterious—whose massive size and conspicuous name are mentioned on the local news—is diagnosed with a rare form of eye cancer at only six months of age. There’s something wrong with Waldo, you can hear family members saying on recordings shown in the documentary by Tommy Avallone. The film’s executive producer is none other than Whoopi Goldberg. When chemotherapy starts to take its toll on their child, Brian and his wife turn to their last resort: medical marijuana. CBD oil smuggled by Waldo’s father from California seems to help the boy, and experts—including the famous Dr. Dina, who works with Snoop Dogg, among others—confirm that it is safe. But his parents have to explain their controversial decision at every turn, including to their own family.

Marta Bałaga

Tommy Avallone

Tommy Avallone is an American actor and director from New Jersey. After the teen comedy Community College, he directed the documentary I Am Santa Claus, which he followed up four years laterwith The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man—a film viewers of the American Film Festival are already familiar with—about the legendary actor and comedian. His next film, Waldo on Weed, about a family fighting for their cancer-stricken son, including with the help of medical marijuana, was shown at the Tribeca Festival. 


2009 Community College

2014 I Am Santa Claus

2018 Opowieści o Billu Murrayu: człowiek-legenda uczy życia / The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned from a Mythical Man

2019 Waldo na trawce / Waldo on Weed

Cast & Crew

director Tommy Avallone
screenplay Tommy Avallone
cinematography Derrick Kunzer, Pipus Larsen, Kenneth Guglielmino
editing Tommy Avallone
music Andrew Thiboldeaux
producer Lee Leshen, Derrick Kunzer, Raymond Esposito, Josh Bender
production A Double Windsor Film, One Hoe Prods., Old Lime Prods
sales Tommy Avallone
language English
coloration colour
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