A Hidden Life tells the story of an Austrian Catholic named Franz Jägerstätter, who, during World War II, refuses to join the Nazis and kill Jews. This humble farmer is imprisoned for his beliefs, and his devotion to God is subjected to the most difficult test. Living in nature, in a modest but decent home, worshiping God was not a big problem, especially in those days. God’s works can be seen at every step—divine intervention visible to the naked eye. However, when even the most devoted faith is confronted with the atrocities of war, with endless, brutal conflagration, with loss and longing, this often leads to crisis—the final test. In A Hidden Life, Malick considers existential topics in a manner reminiscent of The Tree of Life. The result is profound, intellectually engaging, and philosophical. Despite the absence of Emmanuel Lubezki behind the camera, the film is also above all strikingly beautiful and contemplative. „The Evening Standard" described the film as an an outstanding work of genius, and "Indiewire’s" David Ehrlich was struck by feelings of profound reflection and wonder evoked by this story.
Cannes IFF 2019 - Francois Chalais Award
Born in 1943, Terrence Malick is an American director, screenwriter, and film producer, and is considered one of the most mysterious filmmakers in American cinema. He studied philosophy at Harvard. Over the past half century, he has directed only nine feature films, earning him the designation of poet, visionary, and on-screen philosopher. He was nominated for an Oscar for The Thin Red Line and for The Tree of Life. He was the subject of a retrospective at the second American Film Festival.
1973 Badlands
1978 Niebiańskie dni / Days of Heaven
1998 Cienka czerwona linia / Thin Red Line
2005 Podróż do Nowej Ziemi / The New World
2011 Drzewo życia / Tree of Life
2019 Ukryte życie / A Hidden Life