
Jojo Rabbit

Taika Waititi, USA, Germany 2019, 108’
Polish premiere
Honey Boy Just Mercy

An extremely funny story about a young member of the Hitlerjugend that takes place during World War II. Jojo is blessed with neither height nor popularity; his only real friend is an imaginary one, but he happens to be Hitler himself (Taika Waititi). Jojo confides in Hitler about his worries and troubles, and above all he asks for advice on key matters, such as how to be the best little Nazi he can be, how to recognize Jews, and what to do when you discover a young and extremely talkative representative of the chosen people (Thomasin McKenzie) within the walls of your own home. Hitler doesn’t always know the answer, and he usually only adds to the chaos and uncertainty of Jojo’s life, but the friendship between these two completely mismatched individuals remains rock-solid. In Jojo Rabbit, Waititi leads a phenomenal cast of actors (Johansson, Rockwell, Wilson, Merchant), who show through their performances that even the terror of war can be discussed with detachment and humor, even if, at first glance, that seems highly unlikely. A reviewer for The Wrap called the film a risky premise, and „Total Film" said it [shared] DNA with Monty Python, Moonrise Kingdom, The Great Dictator and even ’Allo ’Allo.

Magdalena Maksimiuk

Taika Waititi

A native of New Zealand, Taika Waititi is a director, screenwriter, actor, and comedian. He was nominated for an Oscar for his short film Two Cars, One Night. His second feature, Boy, was shown at the Sundance Festival and nominated for the Grand Jury Prize, as was Eagle vs. Shark (2007). Waititi won the People’s Choice Award at the Toronto International Film Festival for What We Do in the Shadows: Interviews with Some Vampires. Jojo Rabbit premiered at the festival in Toronto.


2010 Boy

2014 Co robimy w ukryciu / What We Do in the Shadows

2016 Dzikie łowy / Hunt for the Wilderpeople

2017 Thor: Ragnarok

2019 Jojo Rabbit

Cast & Crew

director Taika Waititi
screenplay Taika Waititi
cinematography Mihai Malaimare Jr.
editing Tom Eagles
music Michael Giacchino
cast Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Taika Waititi, Rebel Wilson, Stephen Merchant, Alfie Allen, Sam Rockwell, Scarlett Johansson
producer Carthew Neal, Taika Waititi, Chelsea Winstanley
production Piki Films, Fox Searchlight Pictures, TSG Entertainment, Defender Films
Polish distributor Imperial-Cinepix
language English
coloration colour
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