A biopic based on the memoirs of one of the icons of American feminism, Gloria Steinem. A few months ago, we saw the story of the conservative Phyllis Schlafly in the fantastic series Mrs. America. It’s now time to get to know one of Schlafly’s greatest opponents, who, thanks to her controversial views and characteristic image, shaped public opinion in the 1960s and continues to do so to this day. Taymor decides to show two Glorias (Alicia Vikander is Gloria aged 20–40, while the older Gloria is played by Julianne Moore) and highlights the most important moments in the activist’s life, linking them with both the past and the present. This is the story of Steinem’s memory and her legacy, but it is also a warning against engaging in the politics of vacuous, inappropriate people, of making empty promises, of disregarding the fundamental rights and freedoms of absolutely every citizen. The Glorias arrives at just the right time: although it’s based on the protagonist’s memoirs, published in 2015, it seems that the same fight is still ongoing, and it is even more necessary, more ruthless, and more ferocious today.
Uznana amerykańska scenarzystka, reżyserka, kostiumografka, nominowana do Oscara za Fridę. Pochodzi z Massachussetts. Laureatka nagród Tony i Emmy. Reżyseruje również klasyczne opery, musicale (słynna adaptacja Króla Lwa) i dramaty. Jej Frida otrzymała łącznie 6 nominacji do Oscara. W 2015 roku zaproszono ją do Theater Hall of Fames for Lifetime Achievement In The American Theatre. Jest wielbicielką kina Kurosawy i Felliniego.
1999 Tytus Andronikus
2002 Frida
2007 Across the Universe
2010 Burza / The Tempest
2014 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
2020 Gloria Steinem. Moje życie w drodze / The Glorias