This film was made for fun, said Jim Jarmusch years later, comparing the structure of 11 episodes of Coffee and Cigarettes to a music album containing eleven songs. Each is about something different, but when listened to, they create a unique, common aura. Their leitmotifs are caffeine and nicotine: indispensable companions to more or less important conversations. Because coffee and cigarettes allow you to enjoy the time they provide in addition to any flavor benefits. In the often improvised short stories, Jarmusch allows both the characters and actors to meet for a while. The café encounters include Tom Waits and Iggy Pop, Steve Coogan and Alfred Molina, Bill Murray with rappers RZA and GZA, Cate Blanchett with... Cate Blanchett and talks about alternative medicine, common ancestors, Elvis Presley, or the 1920s in Paris. This film, produced in a seat-of-the-pants way over ten years or so, offers plenty of lightness and humor. Comedy scenes last exactly as long as it takes to have a smoke or drink a cup of java. We are the generation of coffee and cigarettes, says Tom Waits in one of the scenes, and today, when you can’t have a cigarette or share a coffee at a table, this declaration unexpectedly fills you with nostalgia.
Jeonju FF 2004 - Audience Award
Jim Jarmusch was born in 1953 in Akron, Ohio, and is one of the most important figures of in the history of independent cinema. Jarmusch studied at New York University Film School and Cinémathèque Française. His mentor was Nicholas Ray (director of Rebel Without a Cause), for whom Jarmusch also worked as assistant director. Thanks to the success of his first films, especially Stranger Than Paradise (1984), which won the Golden Camera at Cannes, Jarmusch came to symbolize a new generation of independent American cinema and became a critics' darling. The combination of his specific sense of humor and oft-used static scenes is so characteristic that the term Jarmuschian is understood throughout the world today. Laureate of, among others, Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival for a short film (Coffee and Cigarettes III, 1993) and winner of numerous other awards.
1980 Nieustające wakacje / Permanent Vacation
1984 Inaczej niż w raju / Stranger Than Paradise
1986 Poza prawem / Down by Law
1991 Noc na Ziemi / Night on Earth
1995 Truposz / Dead Man
1999 Ghost Dog: Droga samuraja / Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai
2003 Kawa i papierosy / Coffee and Cigarettes
2005 Broken Flowers
2009 The Limits of Control
2013 Tylko kochankowie przeżyją / Only Lovers Left Alive
2016 Paterson
2016 Gimme Danger (doc.)
2019 Truposze nie umierają / The Dead Don’t Die