Wes Anderson pays tribute to the print media, especially The New Yorker, with its legendary writers, metropolitan finesse and spectacular typographic layout. The eponymous The French Dispatch is a fictional magazine, devoted to French intellectual and cultural life, published in the late 1960s by a gallery of brilliant American expats in the town of Ennui-Sur-Blasé in the south of France. Tilda Swinton plays the art critic JKL Berensen, Frances McDormand plays Lucinda Krementz, a writer covering the turbulent student revolution, while also getting into an affair with its young leader Zeffirelli (Timothée Chalamet). Jeffrey Wright appears as an art critic, and Bill Murray as editor-in-chief. There is everything we’ve come to love in films by the director of Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums: precisely composed frames, fantasy at levels aspiring to leading abstract painters, and fabulous roles directed down to a T. But there is also something more - an important message! Anderson shows that storytelling is the only effective way of understanding a chaotic world.
Wes Anderson is an American director, screenwriter, film producer and actor, known for his eccentric and unconventional style. He earned his degree in philosophy from the University of Texas, but had been making silent films with his father's Super 8 camera, starring his brothers and friends, since he was a child. He turned 52 in May. He has been nominated for an Oscar seven times, and is a winner of the British Academy Film Award, as well as the Silver Bear and Grand Prix at the Berlin Film Festival.
1996 Trzech facetów z Teksasu / Bottle Rocket
1998 Rushmore
2001 Genialny klan / The Royal Tenenbaums
2004 Podwodne życie ze Steve’em Zissou / The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
2007 Pociąg do Darjeeling / The Darjeeling Limited
2009 Fantastyczny pan Lis / Fantastic Mr. Fox
2012 Kochankowie z Księżyca. Moonrise Kingdom / Moonrise Kingdom
2014 Grand Budapest Hotel / The Grand Budapest Hotel
2018 Wyspa psów / Isle of Dogs
2020 Kurier francuski z Liberty, Kansas Evening Sun / The French Dispatch