All Light, Everywhere, dir. Theo Anthony

Submit your movie for the 13th American Film Festival!

US in Progress 2022 awards

Dear American Filmmakers, just a quick reminder: submissions for the 13th American Film Festival competition sections are still open. The festiwal taking place in Wrocław is a unique film event celebrating exclusively independent movies made in the US – this year AFF will be held from November 8th till the 13th (with an online component).

Submissions for new US-produced feature films for Spectrum and American Docs competitions are open through website. For the third time, together with Warsaw-based CINEMAFORUM, we have also opened a call for short films from the US which will be presented during both events in the joint section “American Shorts”.

Spectrum and American Docs Competitions entry

American Film Festival is the one and only festival presenting the diversity of American cinema to European viewers. Two competitive sections, Spectrum (for narrative features) and American Docs (for American documentaries) make up the core of the Wrocław event. Selected movies compete for audience awards with cash prizes of $10,000 and $5,000 for narrative and documentary films, respectively.

We encourage filmmakers to submit US-produced films of minimum running time of 60 minutes now. A call for American shorts will be announced soon. Submissions are free and will be available through July 10th, 2022.

Spectrum and American Docs submission form

American Shorts section entry

The American Shorts section is a unique opportunity for European audience to watch carefully selected short films from the United States. We are waiting for movies (including animations), produced in the US, and lasting no more than 40 minutes. Films can be submitted up to August 1st 2022.

American Shorts submission form

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