ph. Kaja Marchewka

Deadline for U.S. in Progress extended!

Saturday at the Festival: 44 screenings and 12 meetings

Deadline to submit projects for the 2022 edition of U.S. in Progress has been extended until September 18. Organisers invite American narrative feature projects in rough cut seeking finishing funds, to apply for the programme. 

Taking place from November 9–11 during the 13th American Film Festival in Wroclaw, Poland, U.S. in Progress pairs American projects in final production stages with top Polish image and sound post-production companies and provides awards worth totally $100,000.

There is no entry fee, and films can be submitted through the U.S. in Progress website.

Application form

For this edition, we are looking for projects:

  • in post-production with at least 25 minutes of the materials edited If selected
  • with no US or international premiere nor European sales representation prior to November 15th 2022.

The final deadline is September 18 (Saturday, noon EST).

The program’s objective is to inspire U.S. producers to work with Poland, either by fostering co-productions or to connect them with services and, for future projects, locations. This year the Head of the Polish Film Institute, Radosław Śmigulski will award one project with a $50,000 cash award to be spent on post-production, image, sound and/or VFX in Poland.

Participating Polish post-production companies are: FixafilmOrkaBlack PhotonXANF and Soundflower Studio, each offering a $10,000 in-kind award. European buyers — sales agents, distributors and festival programmers will also be present as well.

US in Progress is the industry event of the American Film Festival in Wroclaw, Poland to be held in Wroclaw from November 8 -13.

For more information contact Ula Sniegowska, We look forward to seeing your projects!

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