A dark comedy presented at Tribeca about a couple from the Upper West Side forced to coexist with a burdensome neighbor (familiar from Chloe Cherry's Euphoria), who marks her presence, among other ways, by constantly singing La Bamba. Irritated by the loss of peace, the protagonists devise a plan for revenge that quickly spirals out of control.
‘The French Italian’ is New York, Through and Through
Rachel Wolther is a director, screenwriter, and producer. As a producer, she has worked with creators such as Nathan Silver, Josephine Decker, and Zia Anger. Wolther directed several short films, the most notable being Snowy Bing Bongs Across the North Star Combat Zone (2017), co-directed with Alex Huston Fischer. That same year, she was named one of the "25 New Faces of Independent Cinema" by Filmmaker Magazine. The French Italian is her feature-length directorial debut.
2016 Oh Hi (short)
2017 Snowy Bing Bongs Across the North Star Combat Zone (short) (co-dir.)
2018 Sneakers (short)
2020 Cinema Rules Everything Around Me (short)
2024 Francuska Włoszka / The French Italian