
Meetings around books at New Horizons Cinema

Spotkania wokół książek w Kinie Nowe Horyzonty
Marcin Giżycki and his America exhibition Pełna Sala Film Club after the "Johnny Guitar" screening

All states of cinema are one thing. This year, literature also has an exceptionally strong representation in the festival program. In collaboration with the Literature House Wrocław, we continue the Reading America series and invite you to the New Horizons Cinema for engaging discussions about great books.

The following meetings will be paired with film screenings, accessible via pass/accreditation or ticket. Admission to the discussions themselves is free, subject to seat availability after the screenings (please head to the entrances of the screening rooms; priority will be given on a first-come, first-served basis).

All meetings will be conducted in Polish.

November 6, 4:00 pm (screening start), KNH5

Kino artystów i artystek. Od Mélièsa do Maciunasa, Marcin Giżycki (słowo/obraz terytoria) and Limeryki, Marcin Giżycki (Austeria)

The meeting with Agnieszka Taborska, writer and Giżycki contributor, will be hosted by Adriana Prodeus after the screening of the films The Unfinished Life of Phoebe Hicks and Arrow Board Game.

November 7, 2:00 pm, KNH2

Francis Ford Coppola. Rewolucjonista, Sam Wasson (Marginesy)

The meeting after the film Megalopolis with Jan Dzierzgowski, translator of Sam Wasson's book, will be moderated by Patrycja Mucha-Smolińska.

November 9, 1:00 pm, KNH3

Walentynka, Elizabeth Wetmore and Missoula. Gwałty w amerykańskim miasteczku uniwersyteckim, Jon Krakauer (Czarne)

Discussion after the film Roleplay and meeting with the director. The conversation with SEXEDPL Foundation's expert subjects will be moderated by Karolina Pasternak.

November 9, 1:00 pm, KNH8

Filmy na życie, Kasia Czajka-Kominiarczuk (WAB/GWFoksal).

The meeting after the film Thelma, with the author of the book, will be hosted by Patrycja Mucha-Smolińska.

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