Jim Jarmusch's Stranger Than Paradise was a breakthrough in the perception of American independent cinema. But the film's production was far from assured for a long time. In order to finance it, the director and producer Sara Driver had to smuggle the only copy of the forbidden film Cocksucker Blues to the Rotterdam festival. Here's how that story went.
Brooklyn-based independent filmmakers who decided to go back to a time before computer technology dominated the animation market. Their films are made using cottage methods like puppets, cut-outs and cardboard decorations colored with markers. The films screened at Sundance and SXSW festivals, among others.
2016 Legal Smuggling with Christine Choy (doc. short)
2018 Legal Smuggling with Laurie Lindeen (doc. short)
2019 Stick’em Up with Adam Lucas (Hanksy) (doc. short)
2020 Le Tour de Pants with Ali Selim (doc. short)
2020 Shots in the Dark with David Godlis (doc. short)
2021 Inaczej niż w Rotterdamie z Sarą Driver / Stranger Than Rotterdam with Sara Driver (doc. short)