In a time of emotional turmoil, a young woman sets off in a stolen car on a journey that makes her reevaluate her life priorities. This is subtle, bittersweet road movie with a great leading role by Lena Góra that is co-produced by Wim Wenders.
On the surface, we've seen films like Roving Woman before. However, Roving Woman is a tad different. It's a little more introspective, a lot more meandering, and almost Nomadland-like in its dedication to its key character's journey. That key character, Sara (Lena Gora), has been kicked out of her home amidst a break-up from a relationship that seems to have defined her existence. She's directionless, at times downright weird, as she begins our film standing upon the doorstep of her ex in a ballgown. A stolen car later, Sara begins wandering aimlessly searching for something she can't really identify and if we're being honest it's not completely sure if she ever finds it. I doubt Sara knows.
"Roving Woman" Has World Premiere at Tribeca(
Michał Chmielewski studied directing at the Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia in Katowice. His short films have been awarded at festivals such as Młodzi i Film in Koszalin, Long Story Short in Wrocław, Camera Action in Łódź as well as Varna. Roving Woman is his full-length debut.
2018 Śnił mi się już słoń i kino (short)
2019 Hi How Are You (short)
2022 Roving Woman