Chiron lives in a seedy part of Florida, where school bullies, drug dealers, and street gangs rule. He doesn’t stand a chance against them. However, he soon realizes that the real struggle is internal, with feelings for his closest and only friend. Moonlight won three Academy Awards.
Academy Awards, USA 2017 - Best Motion Picture of the Year, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Adapted Screenplay
Barry Jenkins was born in Miami and lives in San Francisco. Before making his feature-length debut, he worked at Banana Republic. His debut, Medicine for Melancholy, won prizes at festivals in Sarasota and San Francisco, as well as three Independent Spirit Awards. Jenkins's second film, Moonlight, has screened at festivals in Telluride, Toronto and New York.
2003 My Josephine (short)
2003 Little Brown Boy (short)
2008 Medicine for Melancholy
2016 Moonlight
2018 Gdyby ulica Beale umiała mówić / If Beale Street Could Talk
2021 Kolej podziemna / The Underground Railroad (tv series)