In his first feature that premiered in Cannes, David Robert Mitchell (It Follows, Under the Silver Lake) tells a coming-of-age and self-discovery story through a motif iconic for the American culture, a sleepover. Four Detroit teenagers experience a wild night may offer them a taste of real life.
“The Myth of the American Sleepover” Turns John Hughes Inside Out (IndieWire)
Born in 1974, David Robert Mitchell is an independent filmmaker and screenwriter who gained international recognition with his film It Follows. Inspired by the work of John Carpenter, the film was part of the new wave of American horror, which includes The Legacy, Get Out! and A Quiet Place. It Follows premiered at the Cannes Festival, just like Under the Silver Lake, which was part of the competition at Cannes.
2010 Legendarne amerykańskie pidżama party / The Myth of American Sleepover
2014 Coś za mną chodzi / It Follows
2018 Tajemnice Silver Lake / Under the Silver Lake