This Oscar-winning dramedy celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Miles, an introverted and unfulfilled writer, plans to take his soon-to-be-married friend Jack on a journey along the California wine trail. The murmuring wine and open road lead to unexpected encounters forcing them to rethink their life attitudes.
DelicioUS! Quality American foods
After the screening, we invite you to a birthday cocktail with a tasting of California wines and a special menu created by the award-winning Chef Łukasz Budzik, who will present menu inspired by the journey of the film's characters, Miles and Jack, through the sideways of the Santa Ynez wine region, using American beef, rice, and wild Alaskan fish. Join us in the foyer before the cinema hall.
This event is intended for adults only; available for ticketholders.
Alexander Payne was born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1961. He studied Spanish and History at Stanford University and Cinema at UCLA. His graduation film was shown at Sundance, as a result of which Miramax decided to finance his debut film, Citizen Ruth. He likes to have complete artistic control, which means not only directing but also writing screenplays and, at times, casting as well. His film portraits of American society stand out for their specific brand of humor and their sensitivity. He has won two Oscars for best adapted screenplay, and he has been nominated for best director three times.
1996 Złe i gorsze / Citizen Ruth
1999 Wybory / Election
2002 Schmidt / About Schmidt
2004 Bezdroża / Sideways
2011 Spadkobiercy / The Descendants