
Election Night Studio

DelicioUS! Quality American foods Immersja Film Club discussion following "Oh, Canada!" screening

This year’s American Film Festival presents a unique opportunity: it will begin while Joe Biden is still president, but by the second day, we will know who will take over the White House after him. On November 5, America will elect a new president, and we’ll be keeping our finger on the pulse of the event. In collaboration with Radio RAM, we invite you to an election night studio where we will discuss the intense election campaign and explore potential scenarios for America's future with distinguished guests.

Jan Pelczar, journalist and head of Radio RAM, will lead the discussion with speakers who will join us live at the New Horizons Cinema or connect with us online.

Our guests include Helena Chmielewska-Szlajfer, Maciej Jarkowiec, Łukasz Pawłowski, Agnieszka Taborska, and Jakub Żulczyk.

The event will also be graced by the presence of Mr. Adrian J. Pratt, Public Affairs Officer at the Consulate General of the United States in Kraków.

During the election night studio, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, share your comments, and offer predictions about the near future of the U.S.

The event will be conducted in Polish.

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