Marcel, a tiny snail with the voice of Jenny Slate, lives with Grandma Connie (Isabella Rossellini) in an Airbnb being leased by a filmmaker. The presence of a man with a camera in their lives opens up new, exciting opportunities for the characters. Marcel will soothe your anxieties.
Let it be said that three and a half minutes was just the right length for a “Marcel the Shell With Shoes On” video — and all it took for Dean Fleischer-Camp and Jenny Slate to launch one of the internet’s unlikeliest viral phenoms back in 2010. Picture books and additional shorts soon followed, allowing the duo to cash in on some of that success. But they didn’t “sell out” (unlike, say, Looney Tunes when they made “Space Jam”), preserving the original charm of their creation every step of the way, which is why their new 90-minute feature — a comedic mock documentary about Marcel that treats the character and his concerns in all sincerity — never wears out its welcome.
Heartland Film 2022 - Truly Moving Picture Award
Dean Fleischer Camp is the award-winning filmmaker, designer, and „New York Times” bestselling author who co-created the viral sensation Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. Since appearing on „Filmmaker Magazine’s” 25 New Faces of Independent Film in 2011, Fleischer Camp’s work has been profiled in virtually every major American media outlet. His first narrative feature, an adaptation of the Marcel the Shell series starring Jenny Slate, Isabella Rossellini, and Rosa Salazar, was released this year via A24. He has directed for Comedy Central, HBO, TBS, Adult Swim, and Disney Interactive. Commercial clients include Pop Tarts, Clearasil, Dixie, Atlassian, Shopify, and many others.
2010 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (short)
2011 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, Two (short)
2016 Przekręt / Fraud (doc.)
2022 Marcel the Shell with Shoes On